Last updated 2008-May-03
Antennas for APTA key component in any weathersatellite reception system are the antennas. For APT reception I tried two types of antennas: a crossed dipole antenna, called "Turnstile" for Polar Orbiting Satellites ( POES) and a Dish Antenna for Geostationary Satellites ( Meteosat ).
My Turnstile Antenna
This Antenna was designed by Terry Bittan DJ0BQ and has been published in UKW-Berichte ( VHF-Communications ), where I obtained this antenna ready made. Due to large trees and houses reception of POES with a fixed antenna is only marginal. So this antenna has been dismanteled.My Dish Antenna
Since the move of Meteosat-7 to 57° East my dish antenna is no longer used for APT image reception from Meteosat . It is a 135cm prime focus dish with a coffe can feed. I used this same antenna for HRI. Although this antenna is buried among large trees, this antenna was more than sufficient for APT.